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Planning and Team-Building Events

Strategic planning is essential for any organization, large or small. This is commonly neglected by most small and medium-size business. Business owners typically get caught up in the day-to-day business operations and find it very difficult to set aside several hours a month or quarter to plan the long-term future of the organization. We always recommend you document a road map for the next 12 to 48 months.


For many of our clients, we are the catalyst to motivate the company to think about their long-term future by facilitating annual and quarterly planning events. This is time to set aside day-to-day issues and focus strictly on the future. These events must be well planned out, held in an offsite location, and run by a qualified facilitator, and should also incorporate some fun activities.


According to Inc. Magazine, companies that do not take to time to create a business plan and strategy have 60% more likelihood of eventually failing. We support our valued clients by assisting in this process. Here are a few examples of our team-building events and planning events, and some initiatives that resulted from these events.

We conduct exciting team-building activities during corporate planning events. This particular event held at the Dana Point Yacht Club allows team members take control of a 32-foot sailboat, putting to work the skills they learned just that morning. This particular event has become a popular event for many of our clients. 

As a component of our annual planning meetings, we help our clients create their company’s "Guiding Principles." This is a collaborative effort of the management team and key stakeholders of the organization. When our clients fully embrace the concept of these principles they become a cornerstone of their company’ s culture. Other planning activities include the creation of mission statements, vision statements and overall company strategies.

Planning meetings are useless if you don’t walk away with clearly defined strategies, tasks, responsible individuals and deadlines. It’s critical for the executive leadership team to monitor the progress of these initiatives on a regular basis. The last thing you want is to hold an event, get everyone excited and then let the ideas fade away. You only get one chance to demonstrate the importance long-term planning.

Activities allow the team of participants to have fun but more importantly, get to know each other a little bit better. We strategically place people into groups to aid in relationship building. Activities can range from interactive demonstrations, to video scavenger hunts, to even activities with charitable components.

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